Video Vester

by on under blog
1 minute read
This post is part of the series 'vester':
  1. Introducing Vester
  2. Vester 2: Vest Harder
  3. Write Your Own Vester Test
  4. Video Vester

Update September 2017: I presented a short demo of Vester at VMworld 2017.

Sept 2017: Vester 1.2 in 10 Minutes

A few days ago, the St. Louis PowerShell User Group was nice enough to invite me to talk about Vester. The online talk was livestreamed, but it’s also available on Youtube now to review at your convenience!

Investigating Vester: March 2017 STL PSUG

You can find the files I used on the STLPSUG GitHub page.

I kept the format as a live demo of the blog series (parts One, Two, and Three). This way, if you learn better from video, you can follow along while I walk through each step and give a little more info and context.

The best part is, you can speed up playback and skip ahead when you get tired of me…I’ll have to work on trimming things down for next time. :)

If you have any questions about the project, or any feedback on the presentation, I’d love to hear from you. Get in touch with any of the icons below!

vester, powershell, powercli, vmware, code, psgallery, github, youtube